2,124 research outputs found

    ‘The Black Middle Class in nineteenth and early twentieth century Norfolk’

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    This article considers the under-researched subject of English people of African heritage who lived a prosperous and fulfi lled life in Norfolk during the 19th and early 20th centuries. In doing so, the article aims to provide additional data and analysis in respect of an issue to which Gretchen Gerzina and James Walvin have, rightly, drawn our attention; the relative paucity of our knowledge concerning the lives of Black and mixed-race people in 19th-century Britain.1 In respect of Norfolk I have suggested elsewhere already that the evidence of the history of Norfolk's Black and mixed race population shows how Norfolk had a long-standing Black population from at least the 16th century and that this population appears to have been integrated relatively well into the white majority population.2 The evidence produced here expands upon that interpretation by looking at the period after 1800 and also by looking at a specifi c group about which nothing has been written to date, those members of the county’s middle-class who had an African heritage

    Disabled parents' involvement in their children's education: an examination of good practice

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    This report comes at the end of an 11 month study exploring disabled parents' experiences of involvement in their children's education. Supporting parents' participation in their children's schooling has been a government goal for decades. However, previous research has shown that some groups of parents face particular barriers to involvement. This includes disabled parents - although few studies (Joseph Rowntree Foundation 20031, Wates 20042, Morris 20043, Robinson et al4) have focused on their experiences. The focus of this research is very much on identifying and exploring examples of good practice in involving disabled parents within schools and local education authorities. These case studies of individuals' positive experiences are set alongside a review of relevant literature, a critical analysis of wider policy and practice frameworks across the UK, and an analysis of key informant interviews. The report begins with a brief resumé of the project aims and methods. It goes on to present the key findings of the research and finishes with a conclusion which draws out implications for policy and practice

    Supporting disabled parents' involvement in their children's education. Good practice guidance for schools

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    In this guidance you will find the voices of a range of disabled parents describing how good practice in schools has helped them to be involved in their children's education. The guidance is based on the findings of a research project. It is intended for people working in schools, especially heads and teachers seeking to improve parental participation and inclusion. Education policy makers and Inspectorates may find it helpful for informing their reviews of policy and practice. It may also be of interest to disabled parents and the disability voluntary sector. The document contains information about current UK policies on parental involvement and describes the research project which investigated the perceptions of disabled parents. It looks at five different aspects of parental involvement, giving examples of good practice and highlighting suggestions as these emerged from the research project. Key points are summarised in the conclusion, while the appendices include useful resources and contacts

    Disabled parents' involvement in their children's education : an examination of good practice. Summary for parents

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    This leaflet sets out the main findings from research about disabled parents' involvement in their children's education. The research, completed in August 2009, was conducted by a team from Strathclyde University

    The Peoples' Club, A social and institutional history of Orlando Pirates Football Club, 1937 - 1973

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    Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts in partial fulfillment for the degree BA Hons, University of the WitwatersrandAC 201

    A Literature Review of Universal Design for Learning

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    This literature review is comprised of four sections: 1) A focus on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), examining the existing literature and key issues in the field. 2) An exploration of how UDL fits with wider pedagogical research on inclusive education and highlights resources published by the Higher Education Academy and other organisations to facilitate and advance inclusive teaching and learning in universities. 3) An examination of the context in which UDL was adopted at DMU, with reference to the withdrawal of Disability Students’ Allowance. It gives an overview of previous projects at the University that precipitated the institution-wide adoption of UDL including the Disability Enhancement Programme and a related TIP project. This incorporates emerging literature about lecture capture technology. 4) The final section maps the broader higher education landscape in the UK considering the adoption of UDL in the context of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), tuition fees and widening participation. The concluding discussion draws together key themes from each section to highlight gaps in existing literature and the position of UDL at DMU

    Standards and infrastructure for managing experimental metadata

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    *See also the "related presentation":http://precedings.nature.com/documents/3145/version/1*

We present an infrastructure that leverages synergistic reporting standards and ontologies^1,2,3,4,5^ to create a common structured representation and storage mechanism for experimental metadata from biological and biomedical investigations ranging from simple single-assay studies to complex, methodologically diverse multi-assay studies. 

The infrastructure’s components include: a data capture and editing tool (_ISAcreator_); validator (_ISAvalidator_); database (_BioInvestigation Index_); and converter (_ISAconverter_); and a BioConductor analysis package (_R-ISApackage_). The components are designed for local installation, and can work independently, or as unified system.

View the "public instance":http://www.ebi.ac.uk/bioinvindex running at EBI and/or "download the components":http://isatab.sf.net for your local use.

1. Taylor CF, Field D, Sansone SA,… Rocca-Serra P et al. (2008) The MIBBI Project. _Nature Biotechnology_ Aug;26(8):889-896. "http://www.mibbi.org":http://www.mibbi.org

2. Smith B, Ashburner M, Rosse C,… Rocca-Serra P, …Sansone SA et al. (2007) The OBO Foundry. _Nature Biotechnology_ Nov;25(11):1251-5. "http://www.obofoundry.org":http://www.obofoundry.org

3. Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) "http://obi-ontology.org":http://obi-ontology.org 

4. Sansone SA, Rocca-Serra P, Brandizi M,… Taylor CF et al. (2008) The First MGED RSBI (ISA-TAB) Workshop. _OMICS_. Jun;12(2):143-9. "http://isatab.sf.net":http://isatab.sf.net

5. Jones AR, Miller M, Aebersold R,… Sansone SA et al. (2007) The Functional Genomics Experiment model (FuGE). _Nature Biotechnology_ Oct;25(10):1127-1133. "http://fuge.sf.net":http://fuge.sf.ne

    Disabled parents' involvement in their children's education: looking at good practice: Accessible Summary

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    This research project looked at how disabled parents, including people with learning disabilities, are involved in their children's education. This could be helping children with homework, going to parents' evenings at school, helping out in the classroom or on school trips, or being part of a parents' group. Children do better at school when their parents are involved in lots of different ways

    Making the Most of the Peer Review Process

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    In this brief mentoring corner article, we focus on defining what different editorial decisions mean (e.g., accept with revisions; revise and resubmit; reject: revise and resubmit), discussing factors you might consider when deciding what to do after receiving a decision (e.g., resubmit or move on) and considering how to best approach the revisions. We also provide guidance on effective communication with editors, including an example of a successful response to review table and cover letter
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